Arcola Island & The Perkiomen Creek
Wildlife, especially birds, on and around Arcola Island on the Perkiomen Creek in Pennsylvania. All images on this blog are copyrighted by me, Rachel McKay Laskowski, unless credited and noted. A sewer line is trying to come through the island and my neighbors wetlands. Anyone who wants to add to this blogs about local animals please email or call.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Orange-crowned Warbler ?
I have often seen these yellow birds around the sandbar, and on my side of the creek up by the sandbar. I believe they are Orange-crowned warblers. I remember in s spring I saw 6-12 of them together. I took this yesterday in the middle of the day.
Labels: Arcola, Orange-crowned Warbler, Pennsylvania
Kingfisher in flight
I have seen two of these guys. And they do have a main area along one bank where they hang out alot. Unfortunately I did find a baby bird on the island, freshly killed by the fox. :.( I am not sure what kind of bird it was.
Labels: Arcola, Kingfisher, PA
Red tailed Hawk in flight
New Camera! What a difference in my photos! Just wait until I get a 300 mm zoom!
Labels: Arcola, Pennsylvania, Red tailed hawk in flight
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Winter Wren
I am happy to say I saw a pair of these little guys around 10:25 am, on a nice sunny day, around 64 degrees.

Labels: Arcola, on the Perkiomen Creek, Pennsylvania, Winter Wren