Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Red Tail Hawk

4/22/09 8 am ish. Red tail hawk...

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Huey's duck on the Honda civic Hybrid

This duck approves of the Honda civic hybrid. But can Huey find him?

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Raccoon, Arcola & Level Rd.

A neighbor just told me tonight about a rabid raccoon in the area. I looked on the internet and saw a story from January 9, 2009 in Lower Providence township, around 3600 Arcola Rd. which is right across the street. Huey just treed this guy, April 13, 2009 around 6:30 at night. I then put Huey in and he quickly came down from the tree and I got a lot of photos. He didn't seemed bothered by me at all. I thought at the time either rabid or just very used to humans.

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