Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Phyciodes tharos, Northern Pearl Crescent - Skipper

Some sort of Skipper. My best guess is a Northern Pearl Crescent, or Phyciodes tharos. Let me know if you know!

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Wood Ducks

This is why they are called Wood ducks!

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Osprey is back!!

I am seeing the Osprey daily now. And many time he/she is carrying a fish! These aren't great photos but they are the first ones of the year.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Canadian Goose Eggs / Nest


Black Morels

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Two Cormorants

Before leaving today for a walk on the trail I saw these Cormorants. On the way out the drive way I saw the Osprey! He's back! I hope he/she is not just passing thru, but I do believe he is back.


Pink Virginia Bluebell, Mertensia virginica

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Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentra Cucullaria.

One the Perkiomen trail near the island.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Cormorant taking off

I just got my camera back. The auto focus didn't work. It took Circuit City in Valley Forge just over a month to "repair" it. I saw three cormorants together a few days ago. The wood ducks are back. Most of the geese and mallards and heron never left. I see two red tailed hawks together a lot. I have not see the Osprey! Bummer. I hope he/she comes back. The deer ticks are out in force. I got bit a few times it seems. Tiny little bites/bulls eye. So of course I am on antibiotics again!

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