I glanced out the window at about 11:15 am. The tempature is 32 degrees. It snowed and iced last night and it is a grey overcast day today. The creek has a new layer of fresh mushy snow on it. I saw this large brown blob sitting in the middle of the creek. I looked more carefully to see that it is a Bald Eagle! I was on the phone with Joe, my husband and said, "Gotta go, Bald Eagle sitting in the middle of the creek." (Thank you honey for understanding!) I ran around in circles looking for my camera, found it and shot this through my window, then I went outside to see if I could get another shot. He/She flew off, and I thought I caught a photo of him/her in flight, but no luck. The eagle then landed in some trees above the next little area where the creek is flowing and hasn't frozen over. The old damn / rapids are right by the bridge and mill are rarely frozen over. The waterfowl tend to hang out in these spots.
Labels: 2007., Bald Eagle, Collegeville, February, Pennsylvania