So a few things have happened since my last post. My baby is now a toddler, walking and running and so it is much harder to type and get on the computer. It is early morning and he is asleep with Dad. I have a new camera, a Canon EOS 40D, with more megapixels and zoom etc, so my iphoto library is full and crashing with around 10,000 photos! So for now until I clear it out, I am using my husbands computer. My mother also just died, so that took me away for a month. She peacefully passed in her sleep in the hospice house in Concord, NH after a long 2 year battle with cancer.
On the bird front I have many photos of the Osprey. I see him/her almost every day. I thought he/she would migrate by now. I took a canoe ride the day before Thanksgiving and saw a strange nest, but considering there were many squirrel nests around this nest, it is probaby another squirrel nest. But I should really look closer. It is in a sort of flat pine tree. The flatness of it though would seem to be a good osprey site. I just stepped outside this morning to pull in my canoe for it was still on the creek, tied to the wall and I believe I saw the osprey again. He must be hungry this moring for the waters are high and very muddy. He/She was high up, but had a curve or bend to his wings which makes me think it was the osprey, rather than the red tailed hawk that is around sometimes. Speaking of the red tailed hawk, there is a nest on Cider Mill Rd. on the right as you come from 422, before you get to SEI. I wonder if that is the hawks? or someone else. It is large and no leaves like a squirrels nest.
These photos were taken the day before Thansgiving. It was nice and sunny and warm!
Labels: Arcola, Collegeville, Kingfisher, Migration, Not migrating, Osprey, Pennsylvania. November