
Very big moth. About two inches long. Just saw him on our kitchen porch while eating dinner. I would love help identifying him.
Labels: Arcola, moth, on the Perkiomen Creek, Pennsylvania
Wildlife, especially birds, on and around Arcola Island on the Perkiomen Creek in Pennsylvania. All images on this blog are copyrighted by me, Rachel McKay Laskowski, unless credited and noted. A sewer line is trying to come through the island and my neighbors wetlands. Anyone who wants to add to this blogs about local animals please email or call.
Labels: Arcola, moth, on the Perkiomen Creek, Pennsylvania
Young stink bug just happened to land on this grasshopper last night when I was playing around with my camera doing night shots.
Labels: Arcola, Grasshopper, Green Stink bug Nymph, Pennsylvania
Just took this. I will identify it later. Probably a Northern Leopard Frog.
Labels: Arcola Island, Leopard Frog, on the Perkiomen Creek, Pennsylvania
Sometimes I wish I could just shed my old self and become a new person like the Cicada. Don't you? This was taken 7/17/10.
Labels: Arcola Island, cicada, Pennsysylvania, Perkiomen Creek
Labels: Arcola Island, focus, Pennsylvania, swallow
Labels: Arcola Island, Pennsylvania, Perkiomen Creek, swallow
Tick. One of the human/animal interactions I don't care to have. Don't ask me what kind of tick, for I don't really care. This is one animal, this animal lover has no qualms about killing. But on the other hand, I did find a website that does define the different types:
Labels: Arcola Island, Pennsylvania, Perkiomen Creek, tick